Paper Awards
Congratulations to the IMETI2024 Best Paper Awards winners!
Manuscript no.: SA2413
Paper title: Correlations Between the Seismic Intensity Level and Electroencephalogram
During the Earthquake
Authors: Riku Suenaga, Buntara Sthenly Gan
Manuscript no.: SA2412
Paper title: Study on the Resonant Frequency of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus Membrane by
Using Tensegrity Structural Approach
Authors: Kaito Tanaka, Buntara Sthenly Gan
Manuscript no.: SA2416
Paper title: Uplift Capacity and Displacement of Pre-Bored PC Piles in Undrained Soils
Authors: Mary Abigail Jos, Yit-Jin Chen, Anjerick Topacio, Kai Wang
Congratulations to the IMETI2024 Honorable Mentions winners!
Manuscript no.: SA2414
Paper title: Environmental Education Toward Sustainable Cruise Tourism: A Proposed
Framework With Stimulus-Organism-Response Paradigm
Authors: Chun-Hua Hsiao, Kai-Yu Tang
Manuscript no.: SA2415
Paper title: Influence of Jute Fiber as Reinforcement to the Physical and Mechanical
Properties of Mortar Plaster With Rice Husk Additive
Authors: Mark G. Costelo, Anjerick. J. Topacio, Treisia Juliant G. Castillo,
Micah Eunice B. Donato, Jeryme I. Festijo, Mark Jerard F. Nocomora
Manuscript no.: SA2411
Paper title: Correlation of SPT N-Value and Equipment Drilling Parameters in Deep Soil Mixing
Authors: John Eric Cunanan Bargas, Maria Cecilia Mendoza Marcos
The session will have the following awards, which will be announced and bestowed at the conference.
- Best Paper Awards
- Honorable Mentions
- Nomination Awards
The authors of an awarded paper will be entitled to:
- A signed and stamped official award certificate;
- The announcement of their achievement on a special conference webpage;
- A discount of 50% registration fee for Best Paper Awards (no valid for Honorable Mention Award and Nomination Awards) in the next IMETI conference, valid during a 12 months period and for the authors of the awarded paper only.
Obligation of the award nominees/winners
- They have to submit their papers one month before (before local time in Taiwan on September 26, 2024 at 23:59) the conference starting date.
- The nominees have to present their papers by oral presentation.
- The papers that are conferred as Best Paper Awards or Honorable Mention Awards, they must be submitted, before Dec. 31 of the year, to the Special Issue/Section of Paper Awards International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation (ESCI, EI, Scopus indexed) or Advances in Technology Innovation (Scopus indexed), or Proceedings of Engineering and Technology Innovation (Scopus indexed). For Nomination Award papers, they must be submitted to the Special Issue/Section of Paper Awards Proceedings of Engineering and Technology Innovation (Scopus indexed) / Emerging Science Innovation before the same date. An extended and revised version may be required in order to meet the requirements of the journal. Otherwise, the award will be retracted. The submissions to the above journals will be exempted from Article Processing Charge.
Selection Criteria
The awards will be conferred to the author(s) of a paper presented orally at the conference, decided by the award committee. The decision criterion will consider both the paper quality and the oral presentation quality. To enable a final ranking in a timely manner, papers selected as candidates for best paper awards will be exclusively presented in sessions on the first or second days of the conference.
The organizing committee reserves the right of final interpretation of related issues