International Conference on Advanced Technology Innovation 2017
 Call for Papers
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Keynote Speakers
Prof. Hsiang-Chen Hsu

Mechanical and Automation Engineering Dept., I-Shou University, Taiwan
Industrial Management Dept., I-Shou University, Taiwan

Topic: Reliability Design and Structural Analysis on IC Packaging Wearable Medical Device on Knee-Joint Disease
Prof. Olivier Bonnaud

Dept of Sensors and Microelectronics, IETR, University of Rennes 1, France
GIP-CNFM (National Coordination for Education in Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies), Grenoble, France

Topic: Knowledge and know-how in microelectronics; strategy of innovative practice to counterbalance the new theoretical on-line courses approach
Prof. Dae-Jin Kim

Architectural Engineering Dept., Kyung Hee University, Republic of Korea

Topic: A Two-Scale Generalized Finite Element Method for Computational Fracture Mechanics Analysis